you can't be allergic to wetness, the benadryl won't help in this case. His skin is becoming irritated by constant wetness because skin isn't designed to be wet all the time, it deteriorates it and causes a rash to build up. Vaseline will help to create a barrier between his skin and the wetness. Eucerin cream (which is also great for eczema) can help to soothe the skin. I've also heard diaper rash cream can be effective if the problem gets really bad because it soothes the skin, dries the area, and contains zinc oxide to block the moisture. I'm not sure how I would feel putting this on his face while he's awake though since it may get in his mouth.
My son is a big drooler too, I spend half the day wiping his chin with my sleeve. The key is to just keep it as dry as possible and when it gets bad I'll put a little chapstick on it.Can I use Benadryl cream on my infant's face for a rash? I think it is an allergy to wettness from saliva?
I would not if I were you because it might be harmful to the baby's delicate skin tissue. I don't advise using anything befor consulting a medical professional. Where I live they have a nurses hotline you can call for help. Maybe your city has one.
Better to just use a little vseline to ';waterproof'; and protect the skin. Nothing else unless you check with the doctor.
the rash is most likely like when you lick your lips and the air dries them out. the babies face will be kinda raw feeling and sensitive but not most likely itchy.i would ask a dr. to be sure what would be best cause the baby will rub it's face and will most likely get it into his/ her mouth.
I doubt that it is an allergy to the wetness of the saliva. It is more than likely just a rash from being wet. Benadryl will probably not help that. You might want to try just using a bib at all times and trying to keep your baby's face dry. I wouldn't put Benadryl cream anywhere near a baby's mouth.
This is a question for your baby's doctor.
Although it is bothersome to you, I assure you it is not bothersome to your infant. Do not use anything on it because you can cause more problems.
Yeah if you want his face to peel off.
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