Saturday, December 26, 2009

Diaper rash cream question!?

Should I apply some sort of cream to my babies bottom every time I change her to prevent diaper rash?Diaper rash cream question!?
you should use something as a barrier. you don't need anything medicated if there is no rash. Vaseline has a good line of diaper creams that provide a good barrier against wetness. you never want to use powder on little girls, this can cause yeast and urinary tract infections. if you notice their bottom getting a little pink you want to stop the rash before it starts, open to air is the best remedy. can't leave them that way for long but every little bit helps.Diaper rash cream question!?
Not diaper rash cream. This lessens its effectiveness when you baby actually DOES have a rash. All you need is a barrier-- avoid vaseline if you can. I use a product called Baby Badger Balm-- I don't know if they have it back home in the states-- but I know Burt's bees has a baby range of diaper creams.
only if she is starts to get a rash. you don't need powder but its safe for everyday use and the best daiper rash cream is this stuff called Boudreaux鈥檚 Butt Paste it sounds funny but it works really good and its natural and come off like the other ones.
I would say no. Only if it's red. When my baby was really new I would put it on at night so if she pooped and didn't wake up it wouldn't burn her. Now she will wake up and tell me.
you dont have to...i dont...only when i go out and she might have to sit in her dirty diaper for longer than usual...also before i put her down to bed at night because she sleeps longer now
That's not necessary. We only use the diaper rash ointment if our son gets diaper rash. Which he rarely gets. Just keep her bottom clean and dry and you shouldn't have any problems!
Basically that is your choice no right or wrong. As long as you clean their little bottoms every time. I used vaseline and baby powder every time I changed my sons diapers. I am proud to say that he hardly ever had a diaper rash.

When he was two he did get a yeast infection, that they misdiagnosed as a rash but was easily treated with nyostatin once accurate diagnosis was made.
You can, but if you are cleaning her well and changing her often, you shouldn't need to!
I like baby powder. It seems great and helps absorb some of the diaper moisture. The only time I use the cream (or petroleum jelly if I don't have Balmex), is when my baby has a rash. It works like a charm.
I never did that but my sis applied A%26amp;D ointment to prevent it on her baby boy and she said it worked really well! Its all up to you! My girls have only had one maybe two diaper rashes and the oldest one is out of diapers she is going to be four!
you only put it on when she actually has the rash otherwise use baby powder everytime it helps keep off the wetness
not everytime- i only apply cream after a big poop or if the diaper area even starts to turn pink! by doing this my daughter has only had a full blown rash once in the past 11 months.

i don't recommend baby powder though- i use ';Ammens'; powder. it has the same active ingredient as diaper creams (zinc oxide) and i think that really helps. but make sure you don't shake the powder to the point that is makes a cloud over the baby- its bad for them to inhale any form of powder- i think that is why most pediatricians say NOT to use powder. but my daughter is perfectly fine.
I apply it at the first sign of redness and every night before bed.
I use A%26amp;D ointment (the clear kind) w/ every diaper change. This has worked great for 15 months. If we have an occasional break out, I use the white A%26amp;D ointment. I've tried other brands but this one works best for Noah.
I don't do this, I only apply when the area looks red. I make sure to apply powder each time though.
Yes, you definately should! You don't want some stubborn diaper rash around that won't go away. Use Penaten cream, it's medicated. That is what I use, but you could use any brand of zinc oxide cream because that stuff really does the job!
You should only put it on when it's actually needed. If you change your baby frequently enough, and dry the bum enough after bathing, the chances of even developing a rash is greatly reduced.

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