she is 14 months.upto how many more months can she use a diaperWhich is best suitable for a baby before using a diaper, baby powder,baby cream or nappy rash cream?
i use to use johnson, but dr. told me to stop that as it has too much of chemical in it which is harmful for kids...Which is best suitable for a baby before using a diaper, baby powder,baby cream or nappy rash cream?
Let her run naked for a little while everyday...after bath time is's good for her delicate skin. As for creams, everyone will give a different opinion, I preferred to use Johnson No More Rash as a precautionary measure on my little one (he's 4 now)'s not greasy so it wipes off very easily. If you wanted to use powder, get cornstarch powder. It's not as ';fluffy'; and doesn't fly around as much as talc...As far as diapers go..she'll be in them for at least another year. Then you can put her in pullups if you wanted. But, you should start introducing big girl underpants around 2 and a half and get her a potty chair around then too...let her sit on it after her bath or whenever at first then around 2 and a half, try taking her out of pullups for an hour or so a day and ask her to sit on the potty on occasion during that time. I hope that answered your question...Good luck!
you can use till the baby says wants to pass the urine i think the baby would have started walking try to take the baby to the bathroom and make the baby to pass the urine and every one or one and half hour take the baby till the baby comes to know when we want to pass the urine we should come here and tell the baby also that when you want to pass urine tell me then it would be easy and you don't need any diapers for the baby
I agree with Sitara, it's all about the Desitin baby! lol
At 14 months your daughter is ready to be potty trained. (I assume she is walking.) Perhaps when your wife goes to the bathroom she can bring your daughter in with her and sit her on the pot. and when you notice her making ';poo poo faces';, (you parents know what I mean), take off her diaper and put her on the pot. You could also let her sit on the pot, diaper free, and read a book. That way she gets used to sitting on it.
Don't force it, don't reprimand and don't rush her.
Good luck!!
Johnson and Johnson
Powder should not be used, it does not protect the bottom and can cause yeast infections on genitals. There is an amazing product with a strange name Boudreaux's Butt Cream. This is my recommedation.
When my two were babies and in diapers, the first major thing is that they were in cloth diaper to begin with.
Next, whenever there was a diaper change and enough spare time, they were allowed to stay without a diaper for a few minutes in order to ';air out';.
Lastly, I always used a cornstarch baby powder, like was mentioned earlier by someone else, it doesn't fly around as much therefore it isn't as dusty as the talc based powders, plus it is more absorbent than the talc based powders.
I never used diaper rash creams of any kind because my babies never had diaper rashes with this combination. I think this is mostly due to the fact that they were wearing cloth diapers. When using cloth diapers you have to change more frequently and I think this is the main reason because with disposable diapers, you have a tendancy to leave the diaper on longer and by doing that you keep that wetness against baby's skin longer and this is what helps to cause the rashes.
If you want to use something as a barrier then just use vaseline petroleum jelly, it's cheaper than the other diaper rash products and you aren't putting a lot of chemicals again your baby's skin.
Belated congratulations on your child.
Good luck.
my oldest used to get bad rashes all the time no matter how dry I kept him! I talked to the pharmacist one day who gave me a simple recipe to use.... and I now swear by the stuff and use it all the time around here.
1 tube Desitine (or any brand containing zinc oxide)
1 tube A %26amp; D ointment
1 tube anti-hemroidal cream (note the cream and not gel)
mix all 3 together in small bowl store in airtight container. the best diaper rash cream in the world. i hope i am spelling it right, but its a lil cream in a white bottle with sum yellow cover, comes in a tube also..
My little girl used to get a lot of rash, the doctor told me to use denstin, and it really worked wonders..!
i really strongly recomment you to try denstin!
Gud Luck, and congratulations on ur baby!
The question is a bit confusing . . Are you asking how long can she stay in a diaper? b/c at 14 months she will probably be in a diaper for at least another year . . . But the question also loks like you are asking should you use powder, or cream for rashes? I prefer cream for a reash I think powder is usually used to help prevent a rash but I don't use powder at all I hate that its so dusty and its bad for the kids to inhale.
Yes, The nappy rash cream is safe to use as a barrier at every nappy change especially if the baby has a tendency to frequent loose bowel actions such as during teething and diet changes. However , If the babies motions are normal and rarely loose I would only use it on the odd occasion the nappy rash flared up. The only reason for this is economy. If their bottom looks fine don't use it. Some children can go from no problem to red raw over night, in this case use it daily as a preventative. Your judgment is the best guide. The cream is totally safe to use as you see fit.
this section is cool...i will come here later after 6months :)
Diaper rash ointment with zinc oxide.
I have used A%26amp;D ointment (Not the zinc oxide) on my son since he was 1 month old ( I used Desitin when he was 3-4 weeks old, but he got a rash). He is now 22 months old and has not had a diaper rash since the Desitin incident. I LOVE this ointment.
My children rarely get diaper rash, I change them frequently, and wipe them with a baby cloth with water... If #2 I use cloth/baby wipe.. If I have to use cream I like desitin/or A%26amp;D ointment... If you don't have that available Milk of Magnesia works... If the diaper rash is really severe you can let the baby go w/o a diaper for a bit to air out. Your child will probably be in diapers for awhile longer....
best remedy for napy rahy is pure coconut oil whenever tie napy or pamper just apply it and be tention free from rash All creams ,powder contains chemicals so i feel natrural things work in more better way then artificial things take care I too have a16 months old baby boy and till now he has never got napy rash even during winters u can can aply or simply add in bathing water ur baby will remain with happier healthier skin
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